
Perfumed Oils

With Sandalwood

"ParfumAttar offers an artisanal collection of authentic perfume oils, carefully selected for their quality and purifying power. Each essence is subtly enhanced with notes of sandalwood, creating a captivating symphony of floral distillates, herbs, spices, and other natural treasures."
ParfumAttar propose une sélection d'huiles de parfum authentiques des Indes, soigneusement choisies pour leur qualité et leur pouvoir purifiant. Chaque essence est enrichie par des notes de bois de santal, offrant une symphonie envoûtante de distillats de fleurs, d’herbes, d’épices et d'autres trésors naturels.

White Musk

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White Musk Attar belongs to the Oleaceae family.


It is known by many names such as Catalonian jasmine, Spanish jasmine, white musk, etc.


Jasmine is an important part of India. Indian women use it as an ornament to decorate their hair. It is also used in various religious ceremonies. The scent of white musk attar is sweet and floral, and it creates a positive mood.


White musk attar has several therapeutic properties appreciated in traditional medicine and aromatherapy. Here is some detailed information about its therapeutic uses:


1. **Soothing and Anti-stress Properties**:

    - White musk attar is known for its calming effects on the nervous system. Its sweet and floral fragrance helps reduce stress, anxiety, and tension.

    - It is often used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation, calm the mind, and improve mood.


2. **Mood Enhancement**:

    - The pleasant aroma of white musk attar is known to stimulate feelings of happiness and well-being.

    - It can help combat mild depression and improve overall emotional state.


3. **Sleep Improvement**:

    - Due to its relaxing properties, white musk attar is often used to promote restorative sleep.

    - A few drops applied to the pillow or diffused in the room can help induce peaceful sleep.


 4. **Use in Massages**:

    - White musk attar can be mixed with a carrier oil for therapeutic massages.

    - Massages with white musk oil help relax tense muscles, improve blood circulation, and reduce body aches.


5. **Antispasmodic Effects**:

    - It can also be used to relieve muscle spasms and cramps.


 6. **Antimicrobial Properties**:

    - White musk attar has antimicrobial properties, making it a useful choice for topical applications to prevent minor skin infections.


7. **Skin Care**:

    - Besides its internal therapeutic effects, it is also beneficial for the skin. It helps maintain skin elasticity and prevent signs of aging.

    - It is often included in skincare formulations for its moisturizing and regenerating properties.


8. **Use in Meditation and Yoga**:

    - Due to its ability to induce a state of calm and tranquility, white musk attar is often used during meditation and yoga sessions.

    - It helps create an atmosphere conducive to concentration and spirituality.


In summary, white musk attar is a versatile natural remedy with numerous therapeutic applications, ranging from stress management and mood enhancement to skin health promotion and physical relaxation. Its popularity in aromatherapy and traditional wellness practices makes it a valuable choice for those seeking natural and holistic solutions for their health and well-being.


How to apply Attar : Cliquez Ici