
Perfumed Oils

With Sandalwood

"ParfumAttar offers an artisanal collection of authentic perfume oils, carefully selected for their quality and purifying power. Each essence is subtly enhanced with notes of sandalwood, creating a captivating symphony of floral distillates, herbs, spices, and other natural treasures."
ParfumAttar propose une sélection d'huiles de parfum authentiques des Indes, soigneusement choisies pour leur qualité et leur pouvoir purifiant. Chaque essence est enrichie par des notes de bois de santal, offrant une symphonie envoûtante de distillats de fleurs, d’herbes, d’épices et d'autres trésors naturels.

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**Rose Perfume Oil** embodies pure love, especially self-love, bringing peace of mind that benefits both the physical and essential heart. This attar is renowned for dispelling negativity and thus bringing more loving experiences, relationships, and achievements into daily life. The blend of rose and sandalwood is magical.

It is cherished for its exquisite aroma and numerous benefits.


Here are some of the advantages associated with this perfume:


1. **Stress and Anxiety Relief:** The soothing aroma of Rose can help reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a state of calm and relaxation. It is often used in aromatherapy for its relaxing properties.


2. **Mood Enhancement:** Rose perfume is known to uplift mood and encourage feelings of happiness and well-being. It can help dispel negative emotions such as sadness, anger, and resentment.


3. **Aphrodisiac Effect:** Rose is often associated with aphrodisiac properties. Rose perfume oil can be used to stimulate libido and enhance intimacy between partners.


4. **Skin Care:** Rose oil is also beneficial for the skin. It can be used to moisturize and nourish the skin, reduce redness and irritation, and promote a radiant complexion. It is particularly useful for sensitive and mature skin.


5. **Emotional Support:** The aroma of rose is often used to provide emotional support during times of grief or emotional stress. It helps soothe the mind and find inner peace.


6. **Anti-inflammatory and Antibacterial Properties:** Rose perfume oil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can help treat minor skin infections and inflammations.


7. **Improvement in Sleep Quality:** Using rose perfume oil before bedtime can promote better sleep quality by calming the mind and relaxing the body.


8. **Spiritual Connection:** In some traditions, rose perfume oil is used to enhance meditation and prayer, creating an atmosphere conducive to contemplation and spirituality.


These benefits make Rose Perfume a popular choice not only for its fragrant properties but also for its positive effects on mental and physical health.


How to apply Attar : Cliquez Ici