
Perfumed Oils

With Sandalwood

"ParfumAttar offers an artisanal collection of authentic perfume oils, carefully selected for their quality and purifying power. Each essence is subtly enhanced with notes of sandalwood, creating a captivating symphony of floral distillates, herbs, spices, and other natural treasures."
ParfumAttar propose une sélection d'huiles de parfum authentiques des Indes, soigneusement choisies pour leur qualité et leur pouvoir purifiant. Chaque essence est enrichie par des notes de bois de santal, offrant une symphonie envoûtante de distillats de fleurs, d’herbes, d’épices et d'autres trésors naturels.

Arabian Jasmine

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Nogra Artisanal Perfume Oil with Sandalwood and White Jasmine.


This artisanal perfume oil from Nogra captures the enchanting fragrance of Arabian White Jasmine flower, renowned for its rich, sweet, and floral aroma. Immerse yourself in the timeless charm of this natural perfume, perfect for creating a captivating and lasting impression.


The specific benefits of Mogra may vary from person to person based on individual reactions to ingredients and specific use of the perfume. However, here are some potential advantages associated with this perfume:


1. **Soothing and Relaxation:**

The sweet and intoxicating scent of Mogra can help calm nerves and promote relaxation. Its delicate floral aroma creates a soothing atmosphere, ideal for relieving stress and fostering a sense of well-being.


2. **Mood Enhancement:**

Some users find that the captivating fragrance of Mogra can uplift mood and encourage feelings of happiness and positivity. Its delightful scent can evoke sensations of joy and vitality.


3. **Emotional Support:**

Mogra is sometimes used in aromatherapy for its beneficial effects on emotional well-being. Its comforting fragrance can help alleviate anxiety, depression, and other emotional disturbances by promoting a sense of calm and comfort.


4. **Natural Perfume:**

Unlike commercial perfumes that may contain chemicals and synthetic additives, Mogra is made from natural ingredients. This makes it an appealing choice for those who prefer natural and organic products.


5. **Sensory Experience:**

Applying Mogra offers a luxurious and captivating sensory experience. Its exquisite floral perfume can awaken the senses and evoke pleasant memories, thereby enhancing mood and overall well-being.


How to apply Attar : Cliquez Ici